Hi, I’m Erin. Let me tell you a little bit about me. I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of four, married to the greatest man on the planet, (whom we’ll call “Daddy Starbucks” – see here). We live in Nashville, TN, by way of northern and central Virginia. I am beyond excited to share with you how we travel the world using credit card points!

Completely passionate about living life to the fullest, I love having grand adventures with my family! I also love to hike, water ski, pogo stick, snow ski and craft. My husband and I work hard to raise smart, productive human beings who love and serve others.
I also love travel – both planning it and doing it. In fact, nothing brings me more satisfaction than imagining the perfect vacation, then finding a way to make it a reality – without spending exorbitant amounts of cash.
Here’s the deal
Whether planning travel for my own family or others, my goal is always maximum excitement for minimum expense.

If you have heard of families taking fantastic, points-based vacations and want to learn how you can do this for your family, you’ve found the right blog. I’d love to share what I have learned along the way. And I can teach you the ways I have discovered “no more pointless travel”! Enough about me – let’s go have an adventure!
Also, I would be honored for you to join me by following me here and on my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.