Take Heart – You are living in the very CENTER of History!
I have been remarkably absent in the past few weeks. It’s not because I’m terrified. I am not. It’s not because I haven’t been traveling. I actually have. It’s just that I’ve been busy living in the very CENTER of history!

A little more than two weeks ago, an F-3 tornado came within ½ mile of our home. We spent 50 minutes UNDER our home, in the crawl space. While our 45-year-old home wasn’t damaged, friends of ours experienced utter devastation. The middle school, where our church meets, will be completely torn down in the months ahead. And just 20 minutes away, in Cookeville, TN, 19 people died, bringing the death toll to 25 across the state. We are grateful to God to be alive, and we will continue to pray for those that have been so catastrophically affected.
Each day, as I sit down to write, the gravity of our circumstances overwhelms me, and I always come to the same conclusion. No one on the planet, Erin, cares what you think about the Corona Virus (COVID-19), or your thoughts, or your opinions, or your travels, or your adventures, or your…. (insert words here).
And then this morning, after my Bible study, I realized that maybe one person, just one, might actually benefit from something that I might share…. and isn’t one enough? I don’t have thousands of followers, and I may never have thousands of followers, but shouldn’t I care about making a difference to even one person?
YOU are living in the very center of history!
It’s true – we are all living in the very center of history. We have spent our lives studying history, math, science, English, etc…. Right now, you are LIVING history. Life as we knew it two weeks ago has been forever changed. Why do I say forever? Because when we come out on the other side of this pandemic, we will have survived one of the most significant health threats in a thousand years.
Some of the most brutal killers in human history have included Cholera, Spanish Flu, Bubonic Plague, Smallpox, and Influenza. Once a disease has crossed international borders, it is considered to be a pandemic – even the Ebola virus is still only considered an epidemic because it has not crossed international lines (it is contained in Africa).

In my lifetime, there has only been one documented pandemic. This was the HIV/Aids Pandemic, which peaked in the years 2005-2012, and has killed 36 million people worldwide.
Long before that, in the years 1346-1353, the Bubonic Plague, also known as the Black Death, killed between 75 and 200 million people.
Let’s Get to the Point!
Why do I write all of this? I just want to share the context and reality of what we are facing. I am of the opinion that it is our duty, for the sake of those that are in the most vulnerable demographic, to remain in isolation, as mandated at the local, state and federal governmental levels.
Take Heart
Having said this, things will calm down; most people will be OK. Our country is resilient and Americans have proven, time after time, that we ALWAYS triumph over adversity. In times of trouble, we ban together in strength, in hope, and in love. I urge you, dear readers, to cling to Jesus, for He is the only One that can bring peace that passes all understanding.

In difficult times, it is often helpful to set your sights on the brighter days that certainly will come. With that in mind, instead of sharing just travel related information, over the next few weeks I’ll also be sharing some “virtual travel” options that you can enjoy with your family while you are in quarantine . . . all of them absolutely free. Use these resources to help plan your next points-based vacation.

And if I can answer any questions you may have about future travels, or credit cards (our favorite ones are HERE, in this post), or points, or vacation destinations, please do not hesitate to reach out HERE. I am always happy to help.
God Bless! Be safe, enjoy your family, and help those that may need assistance.