Sunshine Blogger Award 2019: Nominee!!
A lot goes into making the decision to start a blog. So many thoughts, so little time. In fact, I had gotten to where I wasn’t sleeping at night. What content would I write about? How many personal details would I share? How accessible would I be to my readers? etc… This barely touched the surface of the hundreds of questions that had to be answered. After contemplating for quite some time, I decided that this was exactly the move that I needed to make. Upon realizing that my family could travel for almost free, I came to the conclusion that I had stumbled upon something far too great NOT to share. And my entire family has an ongoing connection, in some form or fashion, to photography, videography, marketing, travel and social media. So, for us, the next step was obvious.
Little did I know, only a few months in, that I would be nominated, by Tiffany, of the, for the 2019 Sunshine Blogger Award – an award given to those that are bringing positivity and creative content to the blogging world! This is an immense honor, as it has always been my goal to share an optimistic, enthusiastic and joyful attitude! And here’s the thing – Tiffany is working diligently on creating her own fantastic blog. I am so very grateful for this opportunity as I continue to spread joy and happiness throughout the world, internet style!
A little note about Tiffany: her crew loves hiking, snowboarding, and all things adventure. She and her husband, John, live an exciting life, exploring their little corner of the Pacific Northwest, all while homeschooling their two precious children. They are especially passionate about hiking all the gorgeous trails, which makes me love them all the more!!! Oh, how I wish I could join them right.this.minute! Check out their super fun blog HERE!
What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?
The Sunshine Blogger Award is given by blogging peers to bloggers who are bringing positivity and creative content to the blogging world. For us, simply being nominated tells us that we are on the right path!
Rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award:
Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to his/her blog.
Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you. Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the award and ask them 11 new questions. List these rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post and on your blog.
Here are the questions that Tiffany asked me, along with my answers:
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
My very favorite outdoor activity is hiking! I love short walks with my family, and tough, arduous hikes that challenge the heck out of me. We had one such hike in April – Koko Crater Trail, in Honolulu, Hawaii! Not only was it the toughest hike for me to date, but the most thrilling accomplishment. I literally had tears when I was done, not because I was in pain, but just out of sheer exuberance!!
Do you have a favorite vacation spot? Why?
I actually have three (Is that allowed?) There’s a really special place in central Virginia. It’s a small lake community where I visited every summer while growing up. We have continued to bring our children there, and it has become a favorite of theirs as well. Another really special place for our family is Gatlinburg, TN. It has the perfect combination of great outdoors, beautiful wildlife, and gorgeous hikes. It’s a MUST SEE for everyone that seeks adventure, beauty and nature. And lastly, our favorite vacation spot to date has to be Kauai, Hawaii. The waterfalls and scenery are stunning, the hiking is grand, and the temperatures are PERFECT!!
If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Easy, ice cream!
How extensive is your planning (for travel, homeschool, etc.)? Do you plan in advance or wing it?
I USED to be a meticulous planner – almost obsessive compulsive, or so I thought. Then I met Daddy Starbucks. He put my planning and need for order completely to shame. I decided, a little at a time, that if our kids had any chance of surviving in this world, that one of us was going to have to chill out! He would say that I thrive on chaos and live life on a whim. I actually plan way more than he believes!! To truly answer this question though, I would say that when it comes to homeschooling, I am an extensive, hard-core planner. I want each year to begin on the right foot and I always try and set my children up for success. I do believe that having order and staying organized is critical!
What is your favorite way to unwind at the end of the day?
During the summer, I enjoy traveling, watching a variety of shows/movies with my family, sitting out by the pool, and keeping up with friends on social media. During the school year, activities keep us extremely busy, so I don’t relax quite as much. I am always thinking through a plan for the next day, organizing schedules, helping Daddy Starbucks with household projects, and trying to keep my house warm with the wood stove!
What would your dream day look like? No work allowed!
Waking up super early to a delicious cup of coffee, as we head out the door for a beautiful hike to a waterfall. Eating a picnic lunch while playing in the creek and meeting new friends along the way. Going out to dinner at a lovely restaurant and taking an evening walk around our neighborhood on a slightly warm evening (I HATE cold).
Who has had the most influence on you in your life?
Both of my parents have had the MOST influence on my life. I got my fiery spunk from my mama. Due to circumstances when she was very young, she acquired a strength, and an independence like no one else I know. She also has a desire to always do well. My dad gave me an absolute LOVE for all things outdoors. In fact, when I was 16-years-old, he hiked the entire Appalachian Trail (from Georgia to Maine). To this day, he serves in many capacities to maintain the trail and shares his love and passion with whomever he meets. Each of them has shaped me to be exactly who I am today – a ball of energy who wants to conquer and see the world!
What’s your favorite indulgence?
Ice cream, of course!
Who has had the most significant impact on your blogging life (course, class, inspiration, etc.)?
Definitely Pete and Heather Reese. They created a class called Blogging Blastoff, which has been invaluable in my ability to move forward with Let’s Get to the Point! You can read about it on the right hand side of this page.
What does your closet look like? Is it remotely close to your dream closet?
Half of my closet (Daddy Starbucks’ half, in fact) is in perfect order, and color coordinated. My half, on the other hand, isn’t. Let’s leave it at that! It’s definitely NOT my dream closet – too small!
What is your biggest barrier to traveling?
The biggest barrier to traveling for our family is having enough money (or points) to go to all the places that we would like. The good news is, we have a very long bucket list, and every member of my family gets to speak into that list. We are checking off boxes, a little at a time, and it brings me the greatest joy to have such experiences with those that I love. Also, a lack of vacation days at work have been a factor.
Thank you, Tiffany, for the shout out and for the nomination – it is truly an honor!
Now, it’s my turn to nominate some fellow bloggers that I believe exemplify spreading love and light throughout the blogosphere!

Here are the 11 that I have chosen:
Euan & Stephanie
Landon & Emily
And here are some fun questions for each of them to answer:
What is your favorite hotel brand (chain)?
If you could bring only three items on a plane, what would they be, and why?
A day at the lake swimming and boating? A long hike to a waterfall? A stroll through a vineyard? Or Relaxing under an umbrella at the ocean?
Go to item/food when you are stressed?
What is your favorite credit card, and why?
What is the farthest destination that you have been to?
When traveling longer than two weeks, does your suitcase weigh less than 50lbs, or more?
What is your favorite room in your house?
What is your very favorite travel blog to follow?
Tell me about your absolute dream vacation?
Have you ever paid for an entire vacation using only points? If so, please elaborate.
Again, a huge thank you to Tiffany for the nomination. We are excited to bring great joy, epic experiences, and grand adventures to all of our readers!