My Favorite Credit Card is Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean!!

So many of you have followed along on our dream-come-true trip to Hawaii. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can check it out here. For the rest of you, you’re probably saying to yourself, “Fourteen days with six people, on eight flights – there’s no way that it went as perfectly as she’s saying.” Well, you would be partially correct…but only partially. Here were the mishaps:
- I lost my BEST credit card through the slats in the dock on Day 4 – the one with primary rental car coverage!
- We almost missed our flight from Honolulu to Kauai. Have you EVER heard your entire family’s name called over an airport speaker system as you are in full sprint through the terminal???
- The day after hiking Koko Crater Trail, my right thigh swelled up and developed a blood-filled contusion that would last for the next three days.
- My daughter had a massive seizure while kayaking in the pouring rain because we inadvertently left her seizure meds at the hotel, causing her brother to have to kayak almost the entire trip back from the waterfalls. We’ll blame this on being out of our regular routine, as she’s perfect with her meds.
- When standing at the top of Mt. Haleakala, elevation 10K ft., in 49mph winds, our rental car contract flew directly out of the car and out into the great wide world.
Why did I tell you all of this? Because we are real people, on a real adventure, living real life! And if I’m completely honest, I actually had to sit back and think through what our mishaps were. In my opinion, your attitude completely determines how you live your life! We can see, in the Bible, that this is true. Philippians 4:8-9 says “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
I will choose in all circumstance to focus on what is positive. So while we faced a few challenges along our journey, we came together as a family and figured it out. So here was the outcome for us:
- I did have to spend an extra $20 to switch my rental car coverage to my American Express Gold Card. Who cares, right? We were in HAWAII!!
- We got to hear our names over the loud speaker in Honolulu, HI!! Like we were celebrities!!
- After three full days of limping, my right leg was completely back to normal. I never let it slow me down, despite how ugly it looked.
- My girl got right back in her routine and only had a few minor seizures the rest of the trip.
- Those of us left in the car had the most enjoyable time watching Daddy Starbucks run all over Mt. Haleakala (really being blown all over) until the contract was finally swept away for good.

Let’s Get to the Point
Never let a little curve ball ruin your day. Be organized, plan as best you can, and in the end know that things will not go perfectly. If you choose to have a positive attitude, you’ll never be surprised when you see that curve ball coming your way! Thinking back to our little mishaps makes me giggle now – nothing was going to ruin our 14 days in Hawaii because we had determined that would be the case! Always be sure to pack a positive attitude for any adventure.
I enjoyed reading your Hawaiian adventures. This sounds like our family trips but looks like you handled it well. I look forward to reading more.
Thanks so much Denise! There’s always a few kinks (no matter how much we plan)! Thank you for following along!